Finding Rest At Work
Learn to enjoy what you do
Hello, I trust you are having an awesome day?
I just thought of sharing this with you today…
It should have come earlier on the 1st of November as a new month message.
If you really check things out, you will observe that in life there’s really no special time for breaks.
Even though the world may give us a false sense of breaks in between works especially if you are a student or work in a public office.
But majority of us still use such time to look into other hustles to make ends meet or to make our lives better.
So we end up not having actual time for rest especially for those of us living in countries like Nigeria.
Remember those times you would say you will have enough time to sleep and rest and eat after that major semester exam or long work shift but you end up trying to engage in one or more hustles to make ends meet.
In essence, I am trying to say that if you keep looking for a specific time for breaks and shifts in life, you may end up not finding one till you die.
You can compare this with the parable of the rich fool if you have read the Bible.
So the hack here is to learn to enjoy whatever you choose to do in life as you do it.
Find rest in it, and if you don’t, it’s best to give it up and look for better things that makes you happy as you do it.
For me, I fell in love with computers at a very young age, and spending time working on any project online is like taking a break or leisure to me…much more is if it brings in money.
…that will be double pleasure.
You too can do same…
Find something you do just for the love of it which is also productive and you may never need to look for a special time for rest.
Most especially, never do something you don’t enjoy doing as a means to an end…it will kill your joy.
I wish you the best in whatever project you are working on.
Happy New Month!