October 4th
Last night was funny in a lot of ways…
Almost everybody with a smartphone seemed to have solid advice on how to avoid getting screwed by Mark Zuckerberg.
“See? I’ve been telling you… you can’t rely on Facebook, Instagram, WhatsApp … build an email list, or learn YouTube ads… or Twitter Marketing… or LinkedIn Lead gen….
Or just flat out learn how to make money on [name of anyother platform that wasn’t down last night…] …”
Truth be told…
I don’t think there’s anything wrong with “taking advantage of an event to sell your stuff… or establish some cred or even score some points from the court of social media validation”
As long as you know what you’re talking about
But this is what I think:
Even when you build a responsive email list
Or learn how to use any of those other platforms
The reality is…
If you don’t 100% own the platform
You still don’t have as much control as you think you do
Sure, when you have a responsive email list…
You can’t be easily de-platformed
And you actually have more control over how you communicate with your audience ….
Versus when you’re just using social media alone.
But then…
You still don’t own the platform or the software
And anything can go wrong at anytime (beyond your control)
Which begs the question:
What happens in the event that the internet suddenly stops working… and we’re back to the pre-internet boom?
Oh no, don’t say it can’t happen
Afterall, against the odds…
Trump became POTUS in 2016.
Leicester City won the Premier League in 2015/16.
And Luka Modric (one of the most amazing midfielders to ever kick a ball… but also one of the most unlikely to win Player of. the year…) won the Ballon D’OR in 2018
So there’s always that chance that “anything can happen”
Even when it doesn’t seem likely at all
So in the event that we’re thrown back to the dark age
How do you prepare for such a thing?
Said differently:
How do you put yourself in a position where you’re simply not worried about platforms and the internet?
Here’s what I suggest:
Get wickedly good at selling
Try to master it.
Sure, you can make really good money once you grasp the basics and fundamentals of street-savvy salesmanship…
But when you master how to sell
You’re operating on an entirely different level where…
No matter what happens (even if you lose everything)
You can just as easily get everything back,
Probably in half the time it took you to get there at first.
Because you possess a very powerful tool
The tool of knowing how to use words to influence consumer behaviour on a mass scale.
I don’t think there’s any skill more powerful
And the beauty of this is:
Once you master it, nobody can take it away from you
And it’s something you can use (anywhere, anytime) to make really good money for yourself and those around you
Beyond just survival alone…
You can thrive no matter what
So in a nutshelll:
While it’s advisable to take necessary measures:
Ie: Build a responsive list/software/community that gives you more control over how you communicate with your customers
I think it helps to not lose sight of the bigger picture
That is…
When you achieve absolute mastery…
You won’t be bothered by the latest glitch on social media