Signs That a Person Is Toxic to Your Mental Health
And how to avoid unhealthy relationships.

Whether it’s criticizing every move you make or putting you down for no reason, toxic people are not good for your mental sanity. Even if the person is a close friend or relative to you, the wisest decision would be to set your boundaries tight if they add stress to your life.
Studies say an average of 80% of Americans have experienced emotional abuse in their lifetime, and 84% of women and 75% of men report having a toxic friend at some point. So the danger is quite remarkable.
People who are insecure, jealous, abusive, or disrespectful tend to show toxic patterns in their relationships. And dealing with those people on a daily basis will hold you back from having a happy life. Here are 5 common signs of those toxic people and how to avoid them:
- They Do Not Encourage You To Grow as a Person
- If you are reading this story, self-improvement must be an essential aspect of your life. But not everybody around you has the growth mindset that you already have. So while you work on yourself and get better day by day, if the people around you can’t even go one step further, this will put you ahead of those.
- People with healthy mindsets will always support you for your life goals and the point you want to reach. However, toxic people will do the opposite and won’t encourage your progress. So if you feel unsupported, misunderstood, or attacked just because you had succeeded in something, best to stay away from those people who make you feel down.
2. They Violate Your Personal Boundaries
Sometimes the toxic person can be one of your close friends that you have never realized before. You might have been compromising a lot to keep the relationship but always end up feeling used. No human being on the planet earth is more important than your mental well-being, so you should know how to handle the situation.
Be careful that toxic people will not hesitate to cross the line and violate your boundaries. — This invading act is the official proof of their dangerous disposition, so do not let them being disrespectful. If you allow them to break your boundaries once, you will teach them that the lines you drew can be crossed. Then would be unrealistic to expect them to show respect.
3. They Do Not Show a Genuine Interest in Your Life
A healthy relationship is mutually nurturing, loving, and giving. However but for some people, caring is a one-way street, something they ask but never return. If this is the case, it is for sure the person is benefiting from you. For example, maybe you keep putting effort into seeing a person, making plans, and even cooking for them, but they do not even ask how your day was.
There is no point in building a real connection with someone who is not genuinely willing to connect. So for a happier life, be mindful of these self-absorbed people and keep them at bay.
4. You Smell Dishonesty When They Talk
The most prominent signs of dishonest people are giving fake compliments, pretending to like you and others, or pleasing everyone. Although they pick words carefully, they display uncomfortable body language that gives them away when they talk. For example, when they smile, the corner of the mouth does not go up, or the rest of the face looks unpleasant.
If a person frequently showing signs that reveal insincerity, it is a waste of time to keep interacting with them when you know what they talk is full of lies.
5. They Try To Control Everything
As humans, we want to feel secure in all areas of our lives, so controlling circumstances comes naturally. But if a person is even trying to control other people’s lives, then, that’s a red flag.
People who are critical about others, and seek perfectionism, tend to be overcontrolling and should be avoided at all costs. Instead, people who adopt more flexible mindsets and are comfortable with uncertainties in life would be much more supportive.
Undeniably, toxic people create chaos and bring negativity. — Even if they are disguised as family and close friends, for the sake of your mental health, it is better to put a safe distance to keep yourself away from those acts. Prioritizing your mental wellbeing is not selfish and is the basic requirement of peace of your mind.